Monday, May 28, 2007

Washington State

Jade and I are back from WA. It was wonderful to see family, but we are glad to be home seeing that the trip was fast, furious, and full of much time in the car! We both missed Chad very much. Above is a pic of Jade and Everett having quality cousin time. Everett loved Jade, and has been asking his mother where she is since they dropped us at the airport to go home!

Here is Jade soaking up some rays in my aunt's backyard. She absolutely loved the fresh air and shade; she was happy there for about an hour.

Great Grandma Becker enjoyed some quality time with Jade.

Then of course we saw the obvious need for a four generation picture, which Jade slept through.

Next time on the Mitchell blog you can read about a day with Grampa Lefevre & Grandma Kay, as well as, Memorial Day activities.


Keith and Liz said...

Great pictures, Melanie. She is really growing and very cute. Sorry to hear about you grandfather. Hey, I have a question, Do you remember the afghan that you made for me for my wedding? Well, I was wondering if you still had the pattern. My mother in law really likes the style and she would like to have the pattern to make one. If you could let me know as soon as possible. Thanks so much.

Hope that things are going well.

Love, Liz

Naomi Joy said...

Hey Melanie and Chad
How are you? The pictures of Jade looks adorable...i can't wait to come back to school and see her! She will be so big! Hope your having fun!

Joy said...

Melanie, she is oh, so cute! She's getting so big. I know you love every minute of being her mommy!